Reverse DNS Azure ! Quick Tips How To Setup Azure DNS

Lst updated on
November 4, 2016

Reverse DNS Azure ! What are reverse DNS records?

Pointing to your IP to DNS Servers names reverse DNS. This is required to authenticate the caller. RDNS are widely used in email servers or any application /server that tend to send some transactional emails. Reverse DNS records are used in a variety of situations to weakly authenticate the caller. For example, reverse DNS records are widely used in addition combating email spam through by verifying that the sender of an email message did so from a host for which there was a reverse DNS record, and optionally, where that host was recognized as one that was authorized to send email from the originating domain.

How to Setup Reverse DNS in azure.?

Step 1: Login into your Azure portal using your credentials.

Step 2 :Identify the (Virtual machine)IP you want setup RDNS

Azure > Virtual machines

Step 3 : Identify the IP and assign it as a static IP and Domain names for your server such as

Go to your Virtual Machine >Network Interface >Select the network Adopter properties >Click on the Overview > Click on the Publick IP you want to set as static and assign a RDNS.

Step 4: Setup Static IP and DNS name for your IP.

Click on Configuration >Assignment Set as static and on DNS label set a name such as mail( or whatever you want )

Step 5:Now setup A record or CName at your domain registrar.

If you are choosing A record set A record name and assign point IP to your azure IP Or
If you are setting up Cname create Cname and point the value to depends on the value you set at step 4 .
Note:wait for the DNS replication is over at your domain registrar (it should usually take less than five minutes to up to 24 hours depends on your DNS provider)

Step 6: Once you DNS replication is over with your DNS registrarSetup the RDNS using azure PowerShell.
Open Windows Azure Powershell
Inside Powershell, log in to your account with this command:
Azure Login pop will open give your username and password to login.

Step 7: Now we are almost at the end .Gather your IP resource group name and IP name using azure portal as shown in below image.

Reverse DNS Azure

Step 8 : Run this following commands to setup Reverse DNS Azure

Note command to be in sequence.
$ipName = “xxxxmedhahosting-ip”
$locName = “Central US”
$rgName = “xxxxmedhahosting”
$rvFqdn = “”
$dnLabel = “yourazurednslable”
New-AzureRmPublicIpAddress -Name $ipName -ResourceGroupName $rgName -Location $locName -ReverseFqdn $rvFqdn -AllocationMethod Static -DomainNameLabel $dnLabel
Hurrey your Reverse DNS Azure is completed.

If you have any Azure consulting related queries. Please look at our azure consulting page. we are happy to help you.

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