Four ways unified communications can improve productivity Part II

Lst updated on
April 5, 2019

In our last blog we suggested that unified communications has value to an organization's efforts to increase productivity. It can facilitate smoother, more efficient collaboration in a 24/7 workspace.

Unified communications can

Improve the functionality of our 24/7 workplace - The reality of 24/7 availability has been around for a while, and learning to place constraints on that is for another e-guide.

However, unified communications can play a role on the 24/7 expectation problem. For one thing, with a single portal to an individual’s multiple communication channels, an employee can more easily communicate across those channels that they are not available and therefore limit expectations for an immediate or timely response when that is not possible. Also, with a unified portal, responding to different channels in off times can be easier and therefore less time-intrusive.

Improve client satisfaction - Nothing is more irritating as a customer than needing support and finding support elusive. Waiting for call-backs with no answer, or worse, re-telling your story over and over until you finally reach the right resource? Unified communications can go a long way in mitigating these frustrations.

Unified communications is being heavily introduced into contact centers, where customers can use multiple integrated channels to discuss issues, questions, or problems.

Look to a managed service provider for ways that you can begin to introduce unified communications into your organization.

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