How to add user in Centos 7 using command line?

Lst updated on
October 27, 2018

Add User in Linux using Terminal

I guess I don’t need to teach you the advantages of Linux. One of the best-in-class open source operating system with top-notch security measures.

It’s free, secure and viruses are rare to dare peep into it. Moreover, it’s flexible and totally free to shape as we like to function it.

But, when it comes to Linux Administration, we may slip by far. As the term implies, administration of anything is bit complex till we become old hands on it.

Hence Linux server administration starts from the very process of creating an account and adding a new user in it.

As we learn anything, let's start from the beginning of Linux.Here we go, the step by step procedure to add a user in Linux.

Let’s start.
I’m using

[sourcecode language="plain"]useradd[/sourcecode]

‘command to add a new user in Linux home directory.

Step 1 : Create User

Login to your centos  using putty or console
Putty Login

After connecting the server it will prompted for user name and password as shown the below screen.Provide your user id and password which is having sudoer permissions.In my case it is my root user.

login as: root
root@103.XXX.XXX.XXX's password:
Last login: Sat Oct 27 07:54:45 2018
[root@srv1 ~]

Now type command useradd followed by the the desired user name.

[root@srv1 ~]# useradd testuser1
[root@srv1 ~]#

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