VoIP: A money saving solution for your company’s technology backbone

Lst updated on
April 5, 2019

When small business managers think about their IT infrastructure, they think about their employee’s mobile devices, cabling, Wi-Fi, laptops, a printer, and Internet connectivity.

These are the basics of their IT infrastructure. However, there is one other aspect of a modern corporate IT infrastructure and that is an internal phone system that can connect “voice” over the internet, rather than traditional copper wires. Once upon a time, every office had an internal phone system that connected to the world via wire/cable/fiber.

That wire/cable/fiber then connected a person in your office to a person somewhere else via the local phone company and a long distance carrier. And they did it for a per minute fee. And a very high per minute fee if you called internationally.

A VoIP phone system eliminates the phone company’s per minute connection, sidestepping them and running the voice call over the Internet.

Talk to your managed service provider about this money saving addition to your firm’s technology backbone.

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