How to archive and extract files in CentOS?

Lst updated on
July 31, 2020

In this post we will see how to archive and extract files using terminal commands in CentOS. CentOS is a Community Enterprise operating system which mainly focuses on the server. It is a part of Linux Operating System Distribution and it is free to use. First open the terminal.

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Steps to archive and extract files in CentOS

Step 1 : Archieve File
To archive, a file uses the command tar –cvf destination.tar source.tar . For example, to archive Documents to a file named Documents-backup.tar to type the command tar -cvf Documents-backup.tar Documents/ and press enter

Step 2 : Extract the Archieved File
To extract the archived file, use the command tar –xvf filename.tar . For example, to extract Documents-backup file type, the command tar –xvf Documents-backup.tar and press enter.

Step 3 : View Archived File
To view the archived file, use the command tar –tvf filename.tar . For example, to view Documents-backup.tar file type, the command tar –tvf Documents-backup.tar and press enter.

Step 4 : Add New Files
To add new files to the archived file, use the command tar –rvf Destination source. For example, to add passwd.txt to archived file Documents-backup.tar type, the command tar –rvf Documents-backup.tar passwd.txt and press enter

You ca archive and extract files in CentOS following these steps. If you come across with any doubt please contact Medha Hosting. Our expert Linux administrators will help you 24/7
Read Here: How to Delete Files and Directories in CentOS?

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