How to configure Gmail Compliance Rules for Objectionable Content?

Lst updated on
July 15, 2020


Objectionable content can come in many forms. Maybe it is a word with obscenities, confidential outlook, and much more. Setting your Gmail compliance rules for objectionable content further helps to control detects outbound messages with confidential data and improve data protection.

Total Time Needed: 30 Minutes

Required Tools:

G suite admin access

Things Needed?

G Suite subscription

Steps to configure Gmail Compliance Rules for Objectionable Content

Step 1 : Log in to Admin Console
Login to and click on Apps.

Click on G-Suite

Scroll down to find Gmail and click on it.

Step 2 : Advanced Setting Configuration
Scroll down to Advanced settings and click on it.

Scroll down to objectionable content and hover on it to see “Configure” option and click on it.

Step 3: Set up the Compliance Parameters
Select the messages that you want to affect.

Add the objectionable words by clicking on Edit.

Enter the words and click Save.

Step 4: Set the Action
If the mails match the above objectionable words, You can either choose to Modify, Reject, or quarantine the message.

To reject the messages, select Reject the message and add a rejection note which will be sent to the sender

If you choose to modify the message, You can add Headers, prepend subject, change route, Remove attachments.

Step 5: Set Up Recipients
You can choose to deliver the mails to any mail address by adding recipients. Scroll down to “Also deliver to” and check to ADD more recipients box and click ADD.

Add the mail addresses and click SAVE.


Following these steps you can configure Gmail Compliance Rules for Objectionable Content. If you come across with any doubts contact Medha Hosting.
Read Here: How To Configure Attachment Compliance In Gmail?

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